
Colchester Digital Conference

Professional Development

Fever is proud to sponsor the first annual Colchester Digital Conference! It will take place at the Curzon theatre May 10th and cover everything about the creation and development of websites and web-based platforms.

If you’re an industry professional looking to take your skills to the next level, or generally curious about web development and design, this conference is for you.

Creating Connections

Colchester Digital is a not-for-profit organisation that’s been running networking and speaking events for the digital creative community since 2011. Their aim is to connect and create opportunities for digital and creative professionals in and around Colchester.

This is the first annual Colchester Digital Conference and will surely be an event to mark in your calendar. It also acts as a way to reach a potential market through its Exhibitor program. Come meet the Fever team, we’ll be there with bells on.

We’re Excited For…

While we’re excited for all the talks, there are a few that already have us clutching our ticket stubs! Speakers will cover a range of topics, from UX and Design Systems to Hosting, Security, and Marketing.

Keynote speaker, Rachel Andrew, will explore the future and functions of CSS Layout system. Stu Robson of Always Twisted will delve into Design Systems and the front-end architecture of web development.

Speakers will also cover content creation and strategy, app development and protocols for app and service communication.

Ahead of The Game

It’s important to stay current and up to date with the latest technologies and to continue learning from multiple sources. Opportunities to congregate and absorb the experiences of others are invaluable. Conferences, like Colchester Digital, provide a way to learn laterally and expand your knowledge of your field.

Our developer Richard is excited for the UX, design and CSS related talks as they hit his career notes, but he’s very much looking forward to the Video Game Development interlude.

Colchester Community

As a business, one of our strategies this year is to engage with and help develop the local creative & digital sector. This sponsorship is part of that commitment, along with our ongoing support for the council’s ‘Creative Colchester‘ initiative.

We need to ensure we capture and nurture the talented individuals that make the area so unique.

Ben Green, Director of This is Fever

Get Your Tickets

For more info, the full schedule and to purchase tickets check out Colchester Digital’s website. See you on May 10th!