Championing a unique student union Culture

Essex Student Union





Championing a unique student union culture

In 2016, the University of Essex’ Student Union approached us to assist in the regular creation and supplementation of event and marketing materials. The role of a Student Union is to democratically represent the interests of its members and communicate ideas and solutions between students and the university. The way in which they engage with students is therefore of utmost importance and requires clear, concise communication and representation.

Supporting the voices of the future

While the university’s Student’s Union has internal marketing and production teams, they required outside assistance in order to fulfil their wide-ranging design needs – from branding to print, animation and illustration. The campaign material is often in reaction to real-time events or union achievements, and therefore needs to be conceived, produced and rolled out within a couple of weeks.

Visualising ambition

The guys at Fever made efforts to understand our journey and our culture. Good design is a language, not a style. That language has now started more conversations with our members. They are fully integrated with us.

Alex O’Dell, Senior Marketing Manager, Essex Students Union
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