Ibcos Gold

Ibcos Gold is the must-have business management software for machinery and equipment dealerships.

The number one stock control system for farmers

The system, which is predominantly used in the agriculture, construction and haulage industries, improves stock management and helps handle back-office admin and sales tasks.

We integrated Ibcos Gold on P Tuckwells new website. Our team connected the system with their online shop, making it possible to automatically update their store with changes made within the software. As a result, they can easily manage stock from one single source, adding new items and making amendments to prices, safe in the knowledge that their website will follow suit.

What is Ibcos Gold?

Ibcos Gold is business management software used by the agriculture, construction and haulage industries. As a stock control system, it manages the stock and sale of vehicles and works as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to help users manage back office tasks.

Can Ibcos Gold integrate with my website?

Ibcos Gold, whilst being the leading stock management system for the agricultural industry, is known for being difficult to integrate with. We created bespoke middleware to connect Gold with our clients’ WordPress sites. Having integrated with Ibcos Gold many times now, we are experienced with the software and can bring out its strengths whilst making life easier for our clients.

Is Ibcos Gold just for agriculture?

Whilst Ibcos Gold is predominantly used by the agricultural machinery industry, the software is also used in the construction industry and ground care dealerships. As a result, our bespoke Ibcos Gold middleware has a range of use cases across multiple industries.

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